113891585 m

A Safe Landing, PLLC
609 S. Kelly Ave, Suite C-1
Edmond, Oklahoma 73003


(Please note that the website domain name is different than our company name.)

Below, find directions and pictures of our building and location. To the right, find a "MAP" link.
Click here to go to our inquiry form.

We are located within the Silver Leaf Business Park in Edmond, Oklahoma.

Silver Leaf Business Park is on the west side of S. Kelly Ave and just north of S. 7th Street. You'll find the primary entrance on S. Kelly Ave. (See image below.) Scroll on down below this image for directions to our offices within this Edmond business park.

609 S Kelly Ave Edmond OK Primary Photo 1 Large

Our building, C, is just to the left and west of the entrance. We're in Suite C-1. 

(Building A is on your right as you enter.) Below, is an image of building C. In this image, you'll see where to park and where the entrance is located.

609 S. Kelly Building C