He brings more awareness than I can observe myself. Sometimes I see someone respond to a statement and their body language communicates clearly. I will then experience an awareness, a knowing in my spirit, heart and even my body that this is a pivotal moment. This person experiences conviction deep within them. They experience something deeper, as though someone knows them better than they know themselves—and it most certainly is not me. It is Him. Holy Spirit comes into the room and offers them a deeper connection with Himself. It's so cool and amazing! I get a front row seat of Holy Spirit interacting with someone. John 16 states the Holy Spirit will come to convict the world about sin, righteousness and judgement. This conviction is sweet when we are open to hearing from Him. John 14 v17 refers to the world having a hard time with the Spirit of God because they do not receive Him. In fact, when a person is in rebellion with the Holy Spirit, this person becomes agitated with the wisdom of God. Those who receive the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit will teach this person all things. You are not left without help!
When you step into the room with a counselor one of two things can happen. You can be lead by the wisdom of the world or the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. The wisdom of the world will say, “What way sounds good to you? That is the way you should go.” This wisdom leaves you abandoned like an orphan without a parent, a Father, to direct you. There is no compassion in that wisdom and most certainly no direction. The wisdom of the Holy Spirit will leave you with conviction, something beckoning you into more life. Sometimes this hurts and it is not easy, but it is good and it is sweet. James 1 states if a person is lacking wisdom this person should ask and in faith should not doubt that God will provide the wisdom. This means that God wants to provide you with all that you need…He will teach you all things through the Holy Spirit. A person that walks into the office of a counselor who is seeking God will experience the direction of the Holy Spirit and this will lead to life.
There are ways to find a good counselor. It starts with seeking God—He will not leave you or abandon you in the process. Also, you can find resources in your area that can help identify Christian counselors. Not all Christian counselors are seeking to receive the wisdom of God and allow the Spirit of God into the session, that is something you can ask for. Focus on the Family is a good resource to find a counselor that may include the Holy Spirit into the session. Nevertheless, the Spirit of God will teach you all things as you ask for wisdom. If you are in the area, reach out to our team and we will ask God to help lead you through the difficulties of life.