A Safe Landing
Right vs. Righteousness
DESCRIPTION: Welcome to another teaching from Caleb McKean with A Safe Landing counseling services. In this brief video, Caleb discusses the differences between "Right vs. Righteousness". You'll hear the definition of each and how they impact your life and those you interact with. He also discusses how God's righteousness gives us eternal hope and helps us over come trials.
As always, we welcome you to call us at 405-696-7636, email Caleb at
VIDEO DISCLAIMER: Please feel free to call us if you would like to inquire about counseling. As always, the content in this video is given as an example and should not be considered complete or to be used in place of a visit, call, consultation, or advice. We make no warranties as it its content, expressed or implied. By watching, you agree that our video is "as is" and without any warranties expressed or implied. It is for informational and educational purpose only and not intended for treatment. If you or someone you know are in immediate danger, please call 911 immediately. For our full disclosure statement, click here: https://yoursafelanding.com/home/website-terms-conditions-disclaimer