DISCUSSION: In this video, Caleb discusses perspectives on moral issues and sin. How does a society/culture function regarding sin and moral issues? How are these issues discussed in the Bible? What is the difference between our society's view and the Bible? In this brief synopsis, we'll look at just some of the perspectives Caleb brings on this to...
A Safe Landing
Currently, there's so much struggle that people are experiencing. How do we have hope for the future? How do we deal with anxiety? In this video, we look at anxiety, depression, and how to have hope. Do you need to grow your hope and happiness? We hope these short tips will help. And, please feel free to call us; we'll be glad to help. CONTACT INFO...
In the video below, Caleb provides a crucial perspective in counseling because of the times. Many people are needing multiple aspects of care. We want to encourage you that there is hope that surpasses all knowledge, all fears, all worries. He shows up. With our practice, He shows up daily. If you need help with counseling, we want you to know that...

The way I understand how the term "coping" is used today is that if you have a problem, that problem will always be there and you just have to find away around it. Many times I see coping as a negative factor, similar to that most popular hopeless phrase “It is what it is.” I don’t want to live with a big stinky pile of trash in the middle of...

The feelings of fear and the overwhelming experience that nobody understands you— where does it come from? Sometimes it feels like even your own thoughts are against you. These thoughts are constantly reminding you that you’re completely alone, nobody cares about you, nobody sees you, and nobody wants to be around you. If you ever feel l...