The feelings of fear and the overwhelming experience that nobody understands you— where does it come from? Sometimes it feels like even your own thoughts are against you. These thoughts are constantly reminding you that you’re completely alone, nobody cares about you, nobody sees you, and nobody wants to be around you.
If you ever feel like this, I just want you to know you’re not alone!
And what I mean is—you’re not alone in multiple ways. Most certainly other people experience this as well. You are not alone!
Do you ever wonder:
"Why do I sometimes think in my own thoughts in second person language like, 'you messed up; you really are a screw-up; you’re worthless; don’t keep trying this is hopeless you won’t make it; they really don’t want to be around you.'"
If you haven’t noticed these thoughts, I encourage you to start examining what thoughts go through your mind. Some studies show that our personal thoughts are negative 80% of the time. You might even observe that many of these negative thoughts are in second person. It’s like you are not the only one thinking in your own mind.
Do you remember the old cartoons where there was an angel and devil on either side of the character’s shoulder convincing the poor character of a moral direction? This may not be far from the truth!
Scripture tells us that we have been given a gift in Christ to know the thoughts of God and to have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:10-16). If we could only understand that not all thoughts coming into our mind are our own...we would have a fighting chance to overcome many emotional issues that plague our society today. You can take every thought captive—when you realize what thoughts are being implanted!